Episode 8: Cellulite and Skin Rolls

We have genuinely no excuses for this episode. We got together, we sat down, and we completely lost the plot. But hopefully along the way we manage to teach you something about cellulite and skin rolls, things you probably have that the Internet says you shouldn’t.

Our twitter: @beautbodiescast

Personal twitter: @queerwillow @alyssamazer 

Our insta: @beautifulbodiespodcast

Our facebook: Beautiful Bodies Podcast



Episode 7: Beauty and White Supremacy

Who do we consider “beautiful”? Who is worthy of space? Of attention? Of money? Of living? Race and beauty are intrinsically tied to perceived worth – and to each other. Come along with us as we talk beauty culture, white supremacy, and a whole lot more. Please listen for the content warning at the beginning, and leave us an iTunes review! @queerwillow @alyssamazer @beautbodiescast

Episode 6: Ketchup and Fat Shaming


We ate, we swam, we drank, and now we eat again, AND we share updates on our lives and our feelings about FATSHAMING! From Aretha Franklin to doctor’s visits to the newest bullshit called Insatiable, we have plenty of stuff to talk about. Join us as we critique content creators, shout about the difference between Gandalf and Dumbledore, and “ketchup” on each other’s lives

Episode 4: Sex

Let’s talk about sex. (Try not to sing that in your head, I dare you.) From sexuality to the four supposed stages of sex, and so much more. Willow and Alyssa begin the very deep dive of body positivity and sex, and we touch on abortion. Explicit, perhaps a little squicky, and totally, completely improved. (Who needs a plan anyway? Not us.)

Episode 3: Surviving Doctors

We all have a story about a time we had a bad doctor’s visit. Even an institution meant to care and heal people is not immune to biases. Willow and Alyssa talk gender and race health disparities, fatphobic doctors, and how to take care of yourself, even before you walk into a doctor’s office.

Head’s up! This episode involves extra explicit content, including intimate discussion of experiences with doctors, and potential triggers towards forced medical exams, poor health outcomes for women of color, and traumatic stories of women in pain. This one gets rough, but we promise that your regular dose of radical positivity will keep it light!

Email: beautifulbodiescast@gmail.com / Twitter: beautifulbodiescast / Insta: beautifulbodiespodcast / Willow’s Twitter: @QueerWillow / Alyssa’s Twitter: @AlyssaMazer

Please leave a review! Let us know what you think!

Episode 2: Periods

Period. Menstrual cycle. Aunt Flow. Soviet Invasion. However you refer to that “time of the month,” it’s an important part of a lot of bodies! Come with Willow and Alyssa and explore the physiological, cultural, and otherwise systemic issues related to periods. From side effects to the Tampon Tax, periods await!

Email: beautifulbodiescast@gmail.com / Twitter: beautifulbodiescast / Insta: beautifulbodiespodcast / Willow’s Twitter: @QueerWillow / Alyssa’s Twitter: @AlyssaMazer

//Please leave a review! Let us know what you think!

Episode 1: Skinny Shaming

Let’s talk body shaming–skinny shaming, to be specific. Is it a real thing? What does it mean? How does it compare to other types of body shaming? Come along with Willow and Alyssa and get the skinny on skinny shaming.

Please contact us, find us on iTunes, and leave a review! Next time: periods!

Email: beautifulbodiescast@gmail.com / Twitter: beautifulbodiescast / Insta: beautifulbodiespodcast

Episode Zero: What is Body Positivity and Why on Earth Are We Doing This?

Welcome to Beautiful Bodies! Your hosts Willow Wallis and Alyssa Mazer are working hard to bring you the best body positivity content. In our pilot episode learn more about us and why we’re doing this, and get a preview of what’s to come!

Ham Helper


Email: beautifulbodiescast@gmail.com

Twitter: beautbodiescast

Instagram: beautifulbodiespodcast